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Thursday, December 21, 2006
HOW TO KNOW WHEN CHRISTMAS IS NEAR There are two unfailing ways for anyone who either doesnt own, or know how to use a calendar, to tell that Christmas is approaching. The first hint is that advertisements for electric shavers start appearing on TV. It seems as if electric shavers are only sold in December. The absolute giveaway though is when the world's biggest welfare recipient, NASA, presents its Christmas list to the U.S. government. Usually this event is preceded by the announcement that they've discovered something useless, that is a million light-years away in space, and then there's the inevitable December shuttle launch that sends a broken down shuttle to repair something on the broken down International Space Station. This and nearly everything NASA does is a shameful waste of taxpayer money. As I write this NASA again has its ass in a sling over where the hell they can land the shuttle. As usual it may not be able to land in Florida because of bad weather. If it has to land in the alternative location in California it will then cost a million bucks to transport that monstrosity piggy back, on a 747. But then, what the hell is a million bucks to NASA? In the scheme of things a million bucks to NASA is mere pocket change, out of our pockets, of course. NASA gives less thought to shelling out a million bucks for a plane ride than the average parent does when asked for a buck for candy by one of his or her kids. But then, the parent works for that buck, NASA's dilettantes don't. Bear in mind that these rocket joy rides are gleefully approved by the same guys in our government who insist that government sponsored health care is impossible for Americans because of a lack of funds. Of course they, the congress and the President, enjoy free health care for life, at our expense. That's fair. What has the shuttle program done for you lately, or ever? This year's NASA Christmas list is a masterpiece of imagination and greed. These welfare recipients not only want to return to the Moon, they want to build a permanent base there. NASA has a grandiose plan that includes the manufacture of rocket fuel, on the Moon, if they can find a source of water there. NASA went on to say that the Moon would provide a perfect place from which to launch expeditions to Mars, and then, if they can find enough water on Mars, a permanent base can be built there, so we can further explore space. Hey, rocket scientists, how about finding some fresh, unpolluted water here on Earth? I have no doubt that this whole Moon base nonsense is the result of the announcement a few years ago, by the Chinese, that they intend to travel to the Moon and establish a base there. Holy shit, we can't have that; we can't be Moon base challenged; we have to do it first. I'll bet Halliburton is already lobbying congress for the assignment. Maybe the government will put up some nice condos too, and offer daily commuter trips back to Earth for the rich people who will live on the Moon. That way they can go to their offices every day on Earth, and continue shipping jobs to other countries, and order more goods from China to sell in America. They'll still be back home on the Moon in time to have their "squeeze out of a plastic bag, 'Moon meals'" and Tang, with the family. The Chinese know how to make assholes out of our government alright. Have they done anything to get their Moon base started? No, and don't expect that they will anytime soon. They'll just sit back, and laugh at us, as we piss away trillions doing what our politicians fear they will do, while they wear out their abacuses counting the money we ship them for the things that are no longer made here. Merry Christmas! Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Tuesday, December 05, 2006
NEWT GINGRICH WANTS TO CURTAIL FREE SPEECH Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is back, with another lame-brain idea. It's about a month since the election and I guess Gingrich found a discarded Republican Party banner and decided to run with it. Newt, who apparently fancies himself as a potential Presidential candidate, wants to modify the right to free speech. As has been the case for years with the Republican Party, his idea is put forth under the guise of national security. In other words, it's the use of scare tactics to further promote the acceptance of, and expand Bush's self-conveyed, near dictatorial powers. There are details enough all over the place on this radical idea which calls for government authority to selectively silence anyone who is felt to be a threat to what are quickly becoming the Imperial powers of the President. Gingrich says that the Internet is a prime vehicle for the terrorist's recruitment campaign and to convey messages. His plan would allow the Federal Government to shut down websites deemed suspicious. This lunatic loser calls for a "New level of supervision", which translates into a furtherance of the beloved Republican, "Nanny Society", which would basically subject the populace to scrutiny by Right-Wing political/religious loonies. Can you say "Witch Hunt," or "American Inquisition?" Although Gingrich stated that he would not run for President, the egotist supreme said he just might allow himself to be drafted, if it's the will of the people. What a guy; how thoughtful of him. I'm in favor of sensible surveillance by proper police and government authorities to thwart all crime, including terrorism. However, these open ended, spur of the moment attempts to take away our basic rights and freedoms are dangerous for all the obvious reasons, and defeat the purpose for which this country was founded. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Thursday, November 16, 2006
HERE THEY GO AGAIN! Six days after the election Hillary Clinton remarks that government sponsored health care should again be considered, and immediately, on Neal Cavuto's Fox/GOPTV show, Republican congressman Roy Blunt says: "What a huge blow this will be to the taxpayers. After 12 years of a Republican congress people can see the huge strides that were made and now the Democrats want to reverse this." Uh, excuse me, did he miss the election last week when his Party was told that they, and their lamebrain policies weren't wanted? What we need is an overhaul of the entire US health care system which is incredibly bogged down in paperwork and stupidity all designed to enrich the corporate entities that have transformed Health Care, into corporate, "Wealth Care," for the rich. There's no continuity of service because of constant changes to the various plans' list of providers. If you have to go to a new doctor everything starts over from scratch, which is wasteful and delays treatment. There are too many health plans, one worse than the other, and it's outrageous that an accountant or lawyer decides who gets what, after a doctor says a treatment or medication is a medical necessity. Who would be so stupid as to not want an efficient, cost effective system where everyone benefits, except the businessmen, who shouldn't be involved with your health in the first place? What the hell good is a country if half its citizenry is sick? What the hell is so wrong with spending some taxpayer dollars on the taxpayers? People like Blunt and his colleagues are the same clowns who readily sign off on hundreds of billions of dollars for "bridges to nowhere," e.g. They gleefully give NASA billions to blow a hole in a distant rock, just so they can see if it can be done, or to find water on Mars, so a spokesperson can say, "Hey, we found a teaspoon of water on Mars. Can we have 5 billion more so we can look for sand? That way we can say we found a beach." A billion and a half bucks a week is being spent in Iraq, and for what? All that money does is get Americans killed, while making Halliburton's executives richer. Whether we stay there another day, or a hundred years, the moment we leave chaos will ensue, and the wrong people will take over. Why not use that money for an American health care system devoid of HMO's, insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, countless administrators, advertising companies, and various and sundry other unnecessary middle men and failed programs? The drug companies will make even more money by selling more products, at a lower cost, because everyone will get all the medications prescribed by their doctors. Who the hell is some congressman, who enjoys free healthcare, the best available, for life, at taxpayer's expense, to tell us that we shouldn't have it too, while NASA gets billions to play with the useless, overpriced toys produced by Corporate America? But what can you expect from a Party that just installed racist Senator Trent Lott as its Minority Whip. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Saturday, November 11, 2006
THE PARTY'S OVER Not the Republican Party, they'll always be with us, but most of the worst of them are gone, hopefully for good. The party is over for King George II however, and that's what's important. The man with the big Rolodex and small brain will no longer be able to dream something up, make a phone call, and have his Legislative Branch snap to, and do his bidding, no matter how inane. The arrogant Rumsfeld is also gone and hopefully his replacement will put the troops and not his ego first. The American people have finally demanded what I've been saying we should have, elected officials who do what the majority of the people feel is best, and not just what the lobbyists tell them to do while golfing in Scotland. Let's never again let them forget that they were hired to get us what we want, by working together, and they're not to tell us what's best for us. You hire a doctor, or lawyer, or accountant, or a plumber to tell you what you should do, or need. You don't hire/elect a surgeon, or the unaccomplished son of a football coach to tell you that you shouldn't have online gambling, e.g. These guys are put in office because it is believed that they possess the persuasiveness to get what their constituents want, and that's all. We've had enough of this nanny society, and politicians who say they are in direct contact with God. What's truly significant about this election is that the ouster of the Republicans was not accomplished by the far Left, or the Democrats, it was a team effort by Americans of all stripes. The Democrats and Liberals could not have done this without extensive support from the Republicans and Conservatives who finally grew tired of the corruption within their own Party. It takes a lot for dedicated party liners to defect and say they're not going to allow themselves to be represented by people who are deceiving them, and my hat is off to them. These Republicans and Conservatives did the right thing, and now the congress, the Democrats in particular, should do the right thing. They should use their new found power to insure that these Republicans and Conservatives become permanent converts to right minded, Independent thinking, and not go back to being slaves to party politics that benefit only a few. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Saturday, November 04, 2006
BUSH RELIGIOUS ADVISOR BUYS METHAMPHETAMINE The hypocrisy generated by the Bush White House just keeps coming. One of our religious zealot President's advisors, Ted Haggard, has been accused of paying a male prostitute for sex over a three year period. Haggard first claimed on camera that he never so much as even heard of his accuser, Mike Jones, and then the next day claimed he bought methamphetamine from him. Then the following day he stated that bought methamphetamine from the male prostitute so he could throw it away. Ya know Haggard, if you're going to be part of the Bush Bullshit Brigade, at least take some lessons from some of his well established prevaricators. If ever one had reason to question Bush's ability to make decisions one only needs to consider the kind of people he consults for guidance. The possibility that Haggard is either gay or bisexual doesn't bother me in the least, but the fact that this Evangelical loony rails against homosexuality and gay marriage, which makes him a hypocrite, does. What's worse is that the President apparently gets on his knees with this guy, and does whatever it is that he does in private with him in the Oval Office, and then tells the public that he communed with God. These private "consultations" with an admitted methamphetamine buyer confirm what many have thought about the type of advisors Bush has as confidants. It's obvious that that Bush and the Republican Party will play up to any individual who promises to deliver votes. What's especially galling is that these guys have portrayed themselves as moralists who were going to clean up government and stomp out the dreaded Liberalism, which they claim gives rise to the kind of people that they themselves consort with. So far, the Republican Party, under Bush's administration, has brought us, just to name a few of the most notorious, Duke Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, Mark Foley, Scooter Libby, Tom DeLay, and now a possible druggie religious advisor, who most certainly is a liar. Couple this with a President who lied about the reasons we had to go to war with Iraq, and consequently have nearly 3,000 of our troops murdered, and the Republicans will still say it's better than having a President who lied about getting his knob polished. They'd rather have a guy running the place who takes advice from criminals, claims God talks to him, and who possesses that deadliest combination of faults, ignorance and arrogance. Bush never makes a mistake; he never admits he's wrong. This is the leader of the free world and he says things such as: "The Internets," and, "The Google," both of which he proudly admits he doesn't understand. But then, out of understanding and necessity we're froced to hold him to a lower standard than 12 year olds. This is the same guy who said that men work so they can, "Lay food on their family," and that, "Gynecologists practice love on their patients." Remember that this is the same man who is directing the war in Iraq and who says the economy is great because the stock market is high. Forget that this only benefits a few institutional investors, and the CEO's of Corporate America. All the schmucks with a few dozen shares of stock, who think they're players, love the feeling of association with the rich, and gladly lend their support to the party that does not have these guy's best economic interests at heart. This President says he doesn't read the newspapers and doesn't care about popularity polls. This means he doesn't care about what's going on and he doesn't give a shit about the fact that the vast majority of Americans think he's doing the wrong things. That's proof of ignorance and arrogance. Next month the War in Iraq will have been waged for a longer period of time than World War II and there's no end in sight. World War II encompassed most of Europe and the Pacific, while Iraq is a confined area the size of Texas. Germany and Japan possessed advanced military machines, and huge armies, while Iraq's combatants are a bunch of rag-tag losers utilizing makeshift armament. This is not a knock against our guys and gals in the field, it's an indictment of the way this war is being directed by the current administration, which is more interested in making Halliburton richer, than preserving American service member's lives, and limbs. World War II was fought, and won, under the direction of two Democratic Presidents, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. This unnecessary, and apparently un-winnable war, is under the direction of the Republicans. If you haven't already voted keep all this in mind when you enter the booth. Remember that Bush wouldn't have his near dictatorial powers if not for the fact that he controls both the Executive, and Legislative branches of government, and holds great sway over the Judicial Branch. A vote for a Republican candidate, who will do as he or she is ordered by the Karl Rove White House, is tantamount to another vote for Bush, and his America destroying policies. Here's a link to more on the Haggard and Hooker story. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Thursday, October 26, 2006
RUSH LIMBAUGH, SCUMBAG Republican/Conservative lap dog Rush Limbaugh recently distinguished himself, along the lines of Ann Coulter, his frustrated bitch female equivalent. He accused Michael J. Fox of acting up his Parkinson's symptoms when he made TV commercials supporting candidate's who are in favor of stem cell research. Michael J. Fox has the kind of class and talent of which a Rush Limbaugh could only dream and his attack is further evidence of the fact that he's nothing more than an immature, spoiled, overgrown child. Limbaugh even went so far as to take time out from sucking on his now famous phallic symbol cigar to mimic the uncontrollable spasms that Fox endures as a result of Parkinson's disease. This despicable creature has no bona fides to his name other than the ability to endlessly preach hate in a boring monotone. Limbaugh attended a minor college and dropped out after less than a year because he flunked a "speech class." This Mr. He-Man, who revels in seeing others loose their lives in Bush's wars, avoided the military draft, after dropping out of college, by claiming he suffered from a Pilonidal Cyst, which is essentially a pimple on one's ass. Now this pseudo-entertainer has assumed the position that he is capable of acting in the capacity of a medical doctor by stating that Fox apparently skipped his palliative medication in order to emphasize the shakes that accompany this terrible disease. But what the hell, Limbaugh has convinced his brain-dead audience that he's an expert on matters of war and diplomacy so why not stretch it to medicine? Perhaps he has some medical knowledge garnered from his association with scores of physicians with whom he has acquainted himself, and deceived, for the purpose of illegally obtaining prescription narcotics, under the guise of a sore back. It should be blatantly clear by now that Limbaugh's attitude rflects the mind-set of the entire Republican/Conservative/religious loony politicians and their kiss-ass worshippers. Thus far the only person I've heard defend Limbaugh is G. Gordon Liddy, a Nixon flunky, and Watergate felon, who is also a Conservative radio bullshit artist. Liddy sided with Limbaugh on religious grounds, by stating that stem cell research uses newly created humans to clone tissue, and it doesn't work. He's another pea brain bully Mr. Morality, who suddenly knows everything, and bestowed a medical degree upon himself. I don't know if stem cells derived from fertilized eggs will be effective in curing disease but I think it's worth a try. As for the morality of it, that's another bit of claptrap that the Right-wing religious loonies have burdened the scientific community with. Limbaugh's overt lack of compassion and child-like behavior should bring shame to anyone who counts him or herself among his legions of misguided fans. This is the same odious character who, during one of his daily worthless diatribes, stated that anyone who uses drugs illegally should do jail time. Uh, apparently that would be anyone but himself. Limbaugh is the poster boy and standard bearer of the compassionless and socially disconnected "fuck you" crowd. He's a modern day Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister of the Neo-Conservative movement in America. I feel sorry for people who find it necessary to seek the daily counsel of a cretin like Limbaugh. He apparently fills a need for those who live in fear of making a decision on their own, and who feel the need to bow to the preaching's of a political party's leaders. These people live in fear of making a mistake, and out of desperation to just "belong" to some group or another, willingly surrender their right to free thinking. Decent Republicans and Conservatives, and there are some among the losers those parties attract, should want to distance themselves from Limbaugh. He is really nothing more than a smart ass prick that got lucky by saying the same nonsensical things over and over and over to people desperate for direction in their no-life, lives. He's a bully who hides behind a microphone spouting the hatred ridden lies his worshippers are afraid to speak. Limbaugh is a disgrace to America and an insult to anyone who suffers from a disability. One can only hope that an incurable disease, an autoimmune disease, such as Parkinson's, befalls this despicable creature so he can experience first hand the suffering, and feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and desperation that accompany such conditions. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Thursday, October 19, 2006
ANOTHER CHURCH ENDORSES REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN The connection between organized religion and the Republican Party is becoming more brazenly open as politicians are increasingly emboldened by the lack of action by the IRS. Minor moron Michele Bachman, a Republican candidate for congress, appeared at the Living Word Christian Center, a mega-church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota and with the blessing of church official gleefully stated: "...and in the midst of that calling, God then called me to run for the United States Congress. And I thought, what in the world would that be for? And my husband said "You need to do this." And I wasn't so sure. And we took three days, and we fasted and we prayed. And we said "Lord, is this what you want? Is this Your will?" And after - along about the afternoon of day two - He made that calling sure. And it's been now 22 months that I've been running for United States Congress. Who in their right mind would spend two years to run for a job that lasts for two years? You'd have to be absolutely a fool to do that. You are now looking at a fool for Christ. This is a fool for Christ." Uh-huh, and soeth she doth appeals to other fools to vote for her. This religious loony also claims that the Lord called upon her to marry her husband, etc, etc, etc. Pastor Mac Hammond introduced Bachman thusly: "Amen. Now be seated again for a moment please. I have somebody special I want to introduce you to tonight. State Senator Michele Bachmann is with us and I'm going to ask her to come in in just a moment, and of course many of you know Michele, know of her pursuit of the United States Senate seat vacated by Mark Kennedy or Congressional seat vacated by Mark Kennedy's run for a United States Senate seat. Keeping all this straight gets to be challenging. But ya know we can't publicly endorse as a church and would not for any candidate but I can tell you personally that I'm going to vote for Michele Bachmann, because I've come to know her, what she stands for, and I want her to share her testimony with you tonight. Would you give her a warm welcome as she comes to share? Thank you Michele." Folks, that's an endorsement of a political candidate by a church official enjoying tax exempt status. By the way, this "good Christian" politician also professes to practice, "Submission to her husband." Uh-huh. Again I put the call out to the IRS to enforce its own code and revoke the tax exempt status of these churches. That will bring in plenty of tax dollars for the government. What's the matter guys? Don't you want to make points with your boss, the other politician who claims to take direction straight from God, President Bush? Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Monday, October 09, 2006
JERRY FALWELL'S TAX EXEMPT STATUS SHOULD BE REVOKED It's a shame that this important matter will go largely unnoticed due to the ongoing self destruction of the Republican Party but it should be reported somewhere. During the last week of September, on Fox News/GOPTV, a blessed out Jerry Falwell clearly stated that his worshippers would galvanize to defeat the Democrats at the polls. Falwell made no bones about endorsing the defeat of opponents to the Republican Party, such as Hillary Clinton, whom he said would "energize" the Christians who respond to his blather. By stating that, quote: "Hillary Clinton might have 300 million dollars for campaigning, but he had 80 million votes among the people of faith in his congregation," he clearly violated the rules that grant his church tax exempt status. This major league windbag's call to "oppose" a political candidate is no different than a call to "support" a political candidate. The Director of the IRS made it patently clear a few days earlier that to either "endorse" or openly "oppose" any political candidate would be considered a violation of tax exempt status. In the first place it should be obvious that the Wrong Reverend is a blatant politico due to his frequent appearances on Fox News/GOPTV where he comments only on political matters. He's not on TV promoting Christian values such as protecting children, feeding the poor, or praying for world peace. No, he's on TV, all smiles, as he openly endorses the Republican Party candidates, and their agenda, while comparing their opponents to the devil. It seems that Falwell has been taking clues from Hugo Chavez and applying them in reverse. On September 22nd, during a "prayer breakfast," which was part of a "Value Voters Summit," in Washington D.C, Falwell also assured his worshippers that, quote: "God would preserve a Republican majority in congress." Part of this blatantly political rally disguised as a religious function featured a number of Conservative/Republican/religious loony politicians who feature themselves as the successor to Bush. This is an outrageous situation and like a mad dog Falwell needs to be muzzled. If he wishes to exercise his right to free speech regarding politics, fine, then he should resign as a clergyman. I call for the IRS to revoke Falwell's tax exempt status, or at the very least, to issue a public warning to him, and others of his ilk, to go back to being the CEO's of their profitable religious corporations, and lay off the politics. Let's see if the IRS has the balls to do it. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Sunday, October 01, 2006
REPUBLICAN PARTY GETS AN ENEMA Duke Cunningham, Tom DeLay, Bob Ney, George Allen, Mark Foley, the list of recently disgraced, elected Republicans continues to grow. There's a long overdue and much needed high colonic being administered to hopefully flush the rest of the thieves, racists, sexual deviates, and other fecal matter out of this alimentary system known as the Republican Party. Florida Republican deviate Representative Mark Foley has been text messaging sexually explicit messages to a 16-year-old minor House page using the handle, maf54. Nice, and this clown supposedly is concerned about protecting children. Well, this is one less frequent guest for Bill O'Reilly, another of Fox News', GOPTV blowhards, and charter member of their "Noise Machine." At this rate he'll soon have only himself to interview, which I guess would suit him just fine, Great guy this member of the party that's always aligning themselves with various religious groups and preaching morality. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, happens to House Speaker, Dennis Hastert, that useless, slug-like land whale. Republican Representative Tom Reynolds released a statement yesterday confirming that he informed Hastert about Foley's interest in young boy's genitals early this year. I know exactly what the Republican/Conservative/Religious Wrong's reaction to this will be. They will compare Foley's deviate predilection for male children to Clinton's normal interest in adult females. They'll say, "Oh it's just sex," while completely ignoring the difference between illicit sex engaged in by a married person, and illegal sex with minors. I've often said that if the Right Wing loonies had more interest in sex they'd hopefully stop screwing the country in an economic sense, but Jesus Christ, I meant between consenting adults. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Wednesday, September 27, 2006
GEORGE ALLEN-RACIST Can there be any doubt that this guy, the Republican/Conservative Senator from Virginia, who is attempting to extend his membership in the, country club like, "Millionaires Club," as the U.S. Senate is called by insiders, is a racist? Recently this guy referred, with obvious disgust, to what he thought was a foreign student, as a macaca, whatever that is, and you can bet it's not complimentary. That should be proof enough of his racist tendencies. He was also careful to advise his worshippers that the macaca was with his opponent’s camp. It turns out that the student is a Virginia born American of Indian extraction. This guy, Allen, also concealed the fact that there is Jewish blood in his family, and when asked about it he angrily replied that he was raised as a Christian. He didn't say it with pride or conviction; he said it for purposes of identification with the misguided religious wrong who support any yo-yo who puts his or herself forth as a Christian. That's more evidence that the separation of church and state is eroding in our country. My hat is off to the IRS which is currently investigating hundreds of Christian churches for violations of their tax-exempt status due to their open support of primarily Conservative/Republican candidates. Several of his former college football team mates have accused him of using racial slurs during his good old boy frat house days. I believe them. Just by watching this guy react in his cocky, smart-ass, smirky manner, you can see his bully boy, life of privilege and, "I don't answer to anyone," attitude, emerge. So far, one college pal of his has come to Allen's defense by stating: "I never heard him say anything like that." Predictable, but was he with Allen 24/7/365, for years on end? In all my years in Catholic schools I was never dealt with in any but the most correct way by the nuns, priests and Christian Brothers I came into contact with. I never saw or heard of anything untoward happening to any of my fellow students either. Does that mean that child abuse never happened anywhere within the Catholic school system in the entire world? Unfortunately, no. This guy, Allen, is supposedly on a short list of Republicans being considered as the party’s candidate for President. I know that party is rife with losers, and felons, and there isn't much of a choice, but can't they do any better than Allen? Hopefully the Republican Party will go back to its roots and select someone with a background typical of their Presidential candidates: rich, spoiled, unqualified, fairly stupid, champion of the rich, and willing to do what corporate America wants, i.e. be a good boy and figurehead. It would be better for America, should the Republicans win the White House, to just continue with another idiot President, who claims he text messages God, than to have all the above with racist added. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Wednesday, September 20, 2006
MORE SHUTTLE SHIT Can someone please tell me what the hell this damn shuttle is all about? First off, it takes forever to get the damn thing off the ground, with delay, after delay, after costly delay Then, when the damn thing finally gets into orbit, the first thing the crew has to do is go outside, and see how many pieces of the damn thing fell off. The media is always sure to show a shot of the space shuttle in an inverted position so the crew can check its underside. They call this a "belly flop," and make a big deal of it. If anyone wants to see a "belly flop" the government should pay for them to go to "SeaWorld." It will cost a lot less even if the entire population wants to go. Next the crew visits the International Space Station and installs some crap on that damn thing in order to keep that piece of shit going. This accommodates other countries that send their astronauts to it and charge "civilian visitors" 20 million bucks a pop for a trip up there. We have to be the dumbest country on Earth. Then the crew has to "kick the tires" for a few more days to see if the damn thing can limp back to Earth. Would you buy a car that needed that much attention every time you drove it? Now the return to Earth is delayed because there's some space junk, possibly from the shuttle itself, floating around or near it, they think, or perhaps far away, they're not sure. Just now on a newscast, a NASA spokesman said that there's always the possibility that something can "get away," from a shuttle's cargo bay and float off. Great! This particular shuttle, Atlantis, hasn't flown for four years. Do you mean to tell me that with the hundreds of millions they piss away to prepare these damn things for flight someone couldn't get his ass over to Wal-Mart and plunk down 7 bucks for a broom so someone could sweep out the damn thing? When the damn thing gets back on the ground, let's keep it, and the rest of them here, permanently, and declare this junior high science project finished. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Saturday, September 16, 2006
WAKE UP AMERICA! Yesterday the Ford Motor Company announced additional massive layoffs and other "cost cutting" measures. Basically, they're going out of business. A Ford spokesguy stated that their "business model," was about 10 years out of date and needed to be changed. His solution, "There's a shift to smaller, fuel efficient vehicles." No shit Sherlock, you're only about 30 years behind the Japanese, the Germans, the Swedes, and just about any other country that manufactures automobiles. But hey, this is America, and we're number 1, according to so many people. Yeah, let's make that number 1 in stupidity. The magnates of Motor City have stated in the past that it's the labor unions that caused the collapse of the domestic auto industry with their outrageous demands for higher wages, health insurance and retirement benefits. How dare an ordinary worker demand a crumb off the pie that the auto company's grossly overpaid, and highly ineffective CEOs scarf down in huge gulps. It's a fact that Ford has existed, for decades now, thanks largely on the sale of its F150 pickup truck, a vehicle designed for commercial use by tradesmen and farmers. Is it possible that Ford sells enough of these vehicles to those who need them in order to stay in existence? Of course not, people who need a pickup for business typically buy what they need and replace it when it's worn out. These guys don't adorn their vehicles with blue neon lights along the running boards and equip them with enhanced exhaust systems and 3,000 watt stereos, so when they tool down the streets everyone within a 5 mile radius will know that Mr. Joe "I'm a Nobody" Asshole, is driving around wasting gas in an effort to get noticed. Farmers and tradesmen also don't buy trucks with 4 wheel drive unless they must, because a truck is a business expense, not a toy. Any independent tradesman I've ever hired, such as Steve, my plumber, buys the smallest truck they can get away with, in order to save money. That's why Steve is still in business and Ford may not be for very long. It's those moronic urban cowboys who add 4 wheel drive, even though the only time the truck is off road is when it's parked in their driveways. But Ford and GM continue catering to the idiots, including the 5 foot tall, 100 pound women who insist on driving a Ford Excursion, because, well, they don't really know why, they're just doing it because everyone else is. A few years ago when gasoline prices started going up the idiot head of Ford made the statement, "We will continue to build them as big as our customers want." when asked if he thought that perhaps the time had come for the domestic auto industry to build small vehicles. That moron was quickly followed by Utah's finest idiot, Senator Orrin Hatch, who was outraged by the idea that his constituency should rethink their love for monster trucks. His response to the idea of fuel economy was, "America is a nation of want not need." Well, Mister Smart Ass Hatch, at the rate we're going we soon may "need" everything that we currently take for granted as the country's business leaders continue to export our jobs, and import everything that used to be manufactured domestically. This drain on the economy in the interests of a higher and higher dividend payout to the nation's greedy stockholders will result in other nations imposing their way of life on us once they control all the products we "need." The time to say "no more" to the few rich oil families in this country is long overdue. The Bushes and the Cheneys and whomever else should no longer be permitted to continue blocking the development and deployment of alternative fuel vehicles and alternative methods of generating electricity. We need to penalize the users of wasteful vehicles, including unnecessary, gargantuan motor homes that get 5 miles per gallon, and other gas wasters such as purposeless powerboats and pollution causing ATVs by imposing stiff luxury taxes on their users. This tax money should go into a fund to capitalize the construction of wind powered generators and solar arrays. There's a lot more that can be done but I'll let someone else chip in with his or her ideas. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Thursday, September 07, 2006
MORE NASA WASTE Here we go again, another shuttle on the launch pad, another delay, and another, and another, and another. It's bad enough that the damn thing cots a fortune to fly, but it also costs a fortune for it not to fly. When is this useless bullshit going to stop? Never, I guess, as long as NASA has people convinced that there is a reason why the American public should want this outmoded and totally irresponsible space program. I'm sick of this monumental waste of taxpayer money, and so should everyone else, except for the few fat cat corporations who are bilking the public out of billions. Vote against any politician who supports this wasteful thing in a country where there’s never any money for health care and many other far more necessary causes. Here's another story about this continuing NASA nonsense. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Wednesday, August 09, 2006
LIEBERMAN LOOSES! Finally there is some good news to report. Republican in disguise, Senator Joe Lieberman, has lost the Connecticut primary. Why am I glad? I'm glad for a lot of reasons beginning with his affiliation with the Democratic Party, when in fact, his actions are those of a Conservative Republican. I'm not a Democrat, but I don't like phonies, and that's what Lieberman is. What I dislike about the guy even more is what he's all about. Joe Lieberman, is all about one thing, Joe Lieberman. All he wants to do is hold elected office, the higher the better. Reference the 2000 Presidential election when Gore committed the unforgivable blunder of choosing Lieberman as his running mate. Lieberman hedged his bets by simultaneously running for the Senate. He did so not because he wanted to insure a seat for the Democrats, he did it to insure that Joe Lieberman would continue as an elected official. Proof of that is that he already announced that he will run as an Independent this November. It's win-win for Lieberman. If he wins, he's still an elected official, and if he loses, he'll probably pull a Nader, and draw enough votes from the Democratic candidate to insure a Republican victory, which will please him no end. It's a classic example of the spoiled brat syndrome. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Tuesday, May 30, 2006
AMERICAN CENSORSHIP In March 2003 The Dixie Chicks stated that they were ashamed that President Bush hailed from their home state of Texas. As a result the Country music crowd lambasted them. You know who these people are, they're the ones who play dress up by donning costumes comprised of denim pants, snap-button shirts, 5 pound belt buckles with castings of semi-tractors glued to them, and of course, the ubiquitous "cowboy boots." I suppose these clowns dress this way so they can spot a fellow shit-kicker at a distance. They love to knock anyone who lives in a city with a library, and are always threatening to kick the crap out of anyone who doesn't display good manners, and then sit at the dinner table while wearing a two foot tall "cowboy" hat. These are the guys who have stringy, greasy hair down to their asses, and still see imaginary sandal-clad hippies with beards. The Dixie Chicks must be devastated over no longer being able to count these half-wits as fans. The girls then apologized for the remark, but were still ostracized by the sub-20 IQ crowd, because they were "unpatriotic," the favorite word used by Conservatives to describe anyone who doesn't do as they're told. Now The Chicks have withdrawn the apology, and the girls are being accused of "not supporting the troops," the latest bit of slanderous rhetoric used by the Conservatives to describe anyone who doesn't practice blind faith to the President. Yesterday I checked a Conservative message board for amusement and I wasn't disappointed. My favorite posting was by a pinhead who said that she: "Couldn't understand why anyone would be interested in a celebrity's opinions." She then went on a page long diatribe about recent celebrity opinions she had heard. Can you say: hypocrite? The guy who made my day, however, was a staunchly pro war, pro Bush, pro anything he was told to be in favor of by the "right" people. He was on a Fox news show commenting on the Dixie Chicks and their "unpatriotism," and remarked that they should leave the President alone, and just shut their mouths and sing. That's a trick I'd like to see. Bush says of our enemies, "They hate us for our freedom," but I guess that doesn't include the freedom to disagree with him. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Monday, May 08, 2006
LATEST RELIGIOUS LOONEY NEWS I haven't posted in a while so there's some catching up to do. Rather than rant I'll just give a brief explanation of, and links to, the latest lunacies engaged in by the, "people of faith," as the Religious Wrong prefers to be called. Republican has been, Tom DeLay, plans to spend his time dissolving the separation of church and state. DeLay also stated that he "is proud of the fact that he plays golf." What the fuck does that mean? No sense in trying to make sense out of the mutterings of a looney I suppose. The Birmingham, Alabama Steeldogs, an Arena Football team, had a "faith night," during which the players wore "biblical themed jerseys". What I find particularly disturbing about this is that Birmingham is somewhat advanced as Confederate towns go. There are several residents there with full sets of teeth, and the ability to use them to chew gum, while simultaneously walking. The State of Georgia is intent on offering bible study classes in its public schools. Thank Christ very few people in Georgia can read, especially the school kids. A Knoxville, Tennessee bible college student-moron, set an adult bookstore on fire, in order to "serve God." I guess he'll become a bible teacher in Georgia eventually. If the people of the South weren't such a demented, dangerous bunch, one could spend a lifetime laughing at their collective stupidity. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Saturday, April 01, 2006
POLITICIANS PREFER CHURCHGOERS I never thought I'd see the day when President George W. Bush, and Senator Ted Kennedy would utter the same bit of inflammatory nonsense. Let's face it; none of our politicians know what the hell to do about this illegal immigration situation, that is, without hurting themselves in the polls. Now if these guys had their wish, which is, get elected once, and you're in for life, you can bet they'd know what to do. The Liberals would declare the borders to be open, and the Conservatives would close the borders tighter than a clam's ass during mating season. But these guys, except for the President, all face reelection and, like it or not, they have to deal with this illegal alien situation. But even the President, who does not have to worry about reelection, has concerns about the situation because whatever he does will reflect on his party, and could have an adverse effect on the outcome of the upcoming elections. So we have a Conservative, President, and a Liberal Senator, who usually don't agree on anything, both saying the same thing, almost simultaneously. Neither one of them wants to insult the illegal aliens, who will be able to vote sometime in the future, so the natural thing to do is make them appear more palatable to the general public. So, within the past few days, both of these guys gave speeches extolling the virtues of the people who entered the USA illegally. The usual reasons were given, especially the one about illegal aliens working at jobs that Americans don't want, and so forth. But then, both of them went on to say that these were good people who are here to better themselves, and that they were the kind of people you'd want as neighbors because they go to church. So there you have it, Republican and Democrat alike, playing the religion card. That's the part that pisses me off. Once again, the idea that churchgoers are better people than those who don't feel it necessary to worship with others, in a public setting. I take umbrage at the implication that anyone who worships in a church is a better person than those who don't. First off, far more people do not attend church services, than those who do. If you don't believe that then pick a Sunday, and drive by as many churches as you can find and see if there are mile-long lines of people trying to get in. I don't think so. There will be a few people, perhaps a few hundred in the larger churches, but by and large, the vast majority of the nearly 300 million Americans will be somewhere other than church. None of my neighbors attend any church, and they're all quiet, clean, decent, law-abiding people. And no, they're not all white bread, middle Americans, they're all kinds of people, Chinese, Blacks, Japanese, Hispanic, etc. In fact, the only time I encounter a pain-in-the-ass in the neighborhood, is when someone is going door-to-door trying to recruit people for his or her church. I'm sure the vast majority of the illegal aliens in our country are decent people looking for a better life, despite the fact that the first act they commit on American soil is breaking the law. However, to declare that someone, anyone, is a better person because he or she is a churchgoer, is not only wrong, it is a stupid assumption. Again, I call for our politicians to stop allowing their views on religion to affect their political decisions. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Thursday, March 09, 2006
CATHOLIC CARDINAL PROMOTES LAWLESSNESS Cardinal Mahoney, of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, has instructed his priests to ignore the law, and assist illegal aliens in their attempts to stay in the USA. He is on record as being in opposition to any laws controlling immigration, or designed to prevent illegal immigration, and actively advocates helping illegals stay in the country. I know my blog is categorized as Liberal, and despite my leanings in that direction, this does not assume that I, or any Liberal-minded individual, agree with lawbreaking. As expected, the Cardinal, and his supporters, tag people such as me, as anti-immigration. That's bullshit, and he knows it. People like me are opposed to illegal immigration, as should any decent individual. Our country was founded by immigrants and has a long, uninterrupted history of welcoming foreigners who want to settle here legally. So this isn't about immigration, or aiding the disadvantaged, as the Cardinal purports. There is a hidden agenda at work here. Bear in mind that the illegal immigrants the Cardinal is concerned with are Mexicans, and Mexicans are Catholics. He isn't doing this out of the goodness of his heart; he's doing this to gain points with God, in his mind. This comes loosely under the Church's order to its members to, "propagate the faith." That's why the Church opposes birth control; it wants its members to have large families, so they can assure heavy donations, ad infinitum. How else are these guys going to get money, so they can live the life of Riley, without actually performing meaningful work? Since priests are not allowed to procreate they depend on others to do it for them, and in the Cardinal's case, he's basically importing future donors. Do you think this guy would help a bunch of Baptists, or a load of Lutherans, or a pile of Presbyterians, or a horde of Hungarian Jews, or a mob of Mormons, to immigrate illegally? Yeah right. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, as long as the Vatican dabbles in American politics, and that's what this amounts to, it should forfeit its tax-exempt status. Here's a link to an excellent article detailing the situation . Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Saturday, February 25, 2006
BACKWARDS STATE PASSES BACKWARDS LAW The House of Representatives of the not so great state of South Dakota, which is famous for being under the State of North Dakota, has passed an anti-abortion law. This is a State with a population of about 750,000, not even enough to qualify as a decent sized city, and these morons have paved the way for another round of debate on the abortion issue. Needless to say, the religious loonies have struck again, and the rest of us will have to foot the bill for what is certain to be another bit of Supreme Court nonsense. South Dakota's Governor, Mike Rounds, is certain to sign the bill into law because he feels that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. If this clown is so interested in national/Federal policies why doesn't he run for Federal office? This law will forbid all abortions except for those that will save the life of the mother to be. This means that the spawn of rapists will have to be carried full term, no exceptions. Isn't it humiliating enough for a female to undergo rape? Must the victim of rape have to be forced to carry the unwanted child of a criminal sex offender, who brutalized her, and then have to raise this constant reminder of a crime and violation of her person, just to satisfy the whims of a religious zealot's theocracy? This is just plain wrong, and the people of South Dakota should be ashamed of themselves. The way things are these days, with mentally defective, closet sadist judges handing out light sentences for violent crimes, thereby insuring a healthy population of criminals among decent people, we will see more and more recidivism among sex offenders. I can envision a scenario years from now that goes like this: Rapist impregnates victim. Victim is forced to deliver and care for his baby. Rapist is caught and incarcerated. An asshole lawyer then defends the rapist's "right" to have his child visit him in prison. Child's mother then has to comply with request. I hope this never happens, but if it does, I hope it's only to the women of South Dakota. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Wednesday, February 15, 2006
RELIGIOUS LOONIES PROTEST UNDERWEAR An Augusta, Georgia lingerie shop had live models in the windows attired in tasteful underwear to stir up Valentine Day sales. This brought the far-Wrong, Christian, religious loonies out who picketed the panty palace. The anal-retentive yo-yos attempted to block the windows with their usual array of signs on sticks bearing such profound statements as, "Women are not objects." Some of the girls countered by wearing tight T-shirts emblazoned with, "Jesus loves me." I'll bet he does! And I'll bet that he couldn't care less about how people dress, and cares only about how they treat their fellow human beings. The spokesasshole for the group said that they were concerned about, "the families." Which families, the Manson's, the remnants of the Mafia crime families, or Joe and Flo Smith's family, who probably buy their racy garb and sex toys off the Internet? What is this shit about families anyway? Is this bozo implying that single people count for less? None of this has anything to do with families, or God, or Jesus. It's all about bullyism being practiced by a bunch of good for nothings with a misplaced sense of morality. These are the same creeps who were friendless as kids, because they were useless pains-in-the ass from day one. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Friday, January 13, 2006
VATICAN WANTS TO REWRITE IT'S OWN HISTORY The Vatican never fails to give me something to either laugh at or get angry about. This item falls into the former category. Since the Catholic Church seems to have weeded out most of their child molesters, their legions of lawyers, now that they have plenty of criminal defense experience under their belts, have turned to a new challenge. After more than 2000 years of scorn, the Catholic Church has decided that Judas of Iscariot, the Apostle who dimed Jesus, wasn't such a bad guy. The latest thinking is that Judas wasn't "deliberately evil," but was just "fulfilling his part in God's plan," and should be forgiven, etc, blah, blah, blah. Am I wrong when I say that based on this reasoning it doesn't matter what one does since it is all part of "God's plan?" Catholic doctrine teaches that humans possess "free will," and if that's the case, and it is one of their few teachings that makes any sense, then Judas freely decided to flip on Jesus, since the Church also holds that we are not "predestined," to any particular act or fate. Read all about this latest Vatican spin doctoring in "Jewish Scene" Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Tuesday, January 03, 2006
BUSH FLIPS OFF COUNTRY AGAIN ![]() It's a national disgrace that the Federal Government pisses away billions on the ridiculous NASA space programs that reap no benefits for the average citizen, and make corporate CEOs stupendously rich. But now, as a further insult to the taxpayer, President Bush is throwing some space program business to Russia. Once again, in the name of world peace, we have paid the equivalent of a ransom in order to get Russia to discontinue aiding Iran's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons technology. Russia has agreed to discontinue its support of Iranian nuclear weapons development in order to allow the USA to purchase space equipment and services from them. Is this the ultimate case of outsourcing or what? All this comes about because NASA wishes to continue visiting the nearly defunct International Space Station and apparently needs to have the Russians act as a taxi service. Our Space Shuttles apparently are a little less reliable than Yugos. So Russia does what it should have done without prodding by the USA, and thereby opens the way for NASA to pay then off by paying for rides to the space station for our astronauts. Meanwhile, Russia continues to advance their own military objectives, including new ICBMs for nuclear warhead delivery, and we, indirectly, are footing the bill. Read about it here. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito |