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Tuesday, September 09, 2008
ANOTHER RIDICULOUS REPUBLICAN Standing on a platform of, “He Was A POW And She’s a Mom And That’s All You Need To Know”, the Republicans again proved that they can always top themselves when it comes to ridiculous candidates. Hot on the tails of the Clown In Chief, George W. Bush, and his Warlord, Dick Cheney, we have another dynamic duo vying for the country’s top two political spots. John McBushCain’s political advisors dove deep into the bottom of the barrel and dredged up a running mate for him. They came up with beauty contest runner up and short-lived sports reporter, Sarah Palin, the current Governor of the dynamic State of Alaska. Together McBushCain and Palin are the Republicans latest incarnation of Batman and Robin. The GOP convention was rife with speech giving losers such as religious loony Mike Hukabee, plastic man Mitt Romney, celebrity politician Fred Thompson, and another rejected wannabee Presidential candidate, Rudy Giuliani. There would have been more speakers but the best of them are in various prisons for monetary fraud or deviant sexual behavior, or under indictment or investigation for one or more nefarious acts. Then of course there was Sarah Palin’s delivery of a speech prepared for her by the McBushCain team, a speech that she continues giving, over and over. When they get a new pencil they’ll write another one for her. As is usually the case, the Republicans filled the stage with their kids, and their kid’s kids. Then they preached the politics of fear, and talked about how Roe v. Wade, if not overturned, might prevent them from loading the stages of the future with more kids. Of course they want these kids for 2 reasons, a cheap labor force for the corporations that underwrite their campaigns, and, as cannon fodder for their future armies to fight more invented enemies. Sarah Palin is a totally unqualified individual who is long of mouth and short on accomplishment. She believes that sex education is bad and that abstinence works for preventing teen pregnancies; yeah that really worked for her daughter. She belonged to a church where the religious loonies speak in tongues and are awaiting the Rapture, and that Alaska will be a haven for them. She is a proponent of the Alaskan secession movement; that’s patriotic, isn’t it. She believes in book banning and other forms of censorship, which makes her a perfect fit for the beloved Republican nanny society. She heartily endorsed the famous “bridge to nowhere”, and now denies endorsing it. She lobbied congress for the “road to nowhere”, which would have connected her hometown of about 600 people to Alaska Senator Ted Stevens’ ski resort. Stevens a staunch supporter of Palin is now under Federal indictment. Sarah Palin is nothing but a distraction so the voters won’t realize what an idiot and Bush clone McCain really is A vote for McCain is a vote for more of the same. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: republican mccain palin bush alaska roe wade pow |