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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
MCCAIN TAKES TIME OFF FROM BEING AN IDIOT TO BECOME A JACKASS There so much bullshit being generated by the McCain campaign that I could spend all my time writing about it. That’s not something anyone would want to do but I feel a need to point out some of the more outrageous and offensive nonsense being served up by this Bush clone. Needless to say McBushcain is still farting around with overturning Roe v Wade, and opposing something as harmless as Gay marriage. The promise of prevailing on these wedge issues, along with the rest of the deliberately distracting, ridiculous Republican agenda is being offered up to the retrogressive, narrow minded Evangelicals in exchange for their votes. These Evangelicals are the same clowns who have prayer vigils going for the purpose of convincing God to make it rain on Barrack Obama when he addresses audiences outdoors. I guess they think God is a Republican; what arrogance. They apparently forgot that since God is credited with creating the Earth it’s obvious that the Supreme Being is a charter member of The Green Party. This past Sunday McCain was interviewed by the current superstar preacher, Rick Warren, the master of ceremonies of the Saddleback megachurch. In answer to the question, “If you were President who would you consult with”, McCain answered: “John Lewis.” Lewis, a Black Democrat Congressman from Georgia, quickly, and wisely stated on national television that he and McCain were merely Washington colleagues, and that he never consulted with McCain, nor would he. Nice try McCain; did you think that bit of name dropping would win you the minority vote? Congressman Lewis looked as if he was nauseated by the mention of his name in connection with McCain. Now that McCain has worn out the “Surge” talk he’s back on his, “I was a POW”, “When I was a POW”, “As a POW I…”, kick. I feel sorry for anyone who was a POW; but I don’t think McCain’s expectation that he be awarded the Presidency as compensation makes any sense. McCain is nothing more than a misguided, egotistical dilettante, who represents pretty much everything that is wrong with America. Frankly, I find his use of his former status as a POW, as a vote getter, to be more pathetic than the crying in front of women ploy some guys use to try to score some sympathy sex. A vote for McCain is a vote for more of the same. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: obama mccain republican warren saddleback evangelical Saturday, August 02, 2008
JOHN MCCAIN: DESPERATE, DISGRACEFUL LIAR World class bullshit artist John McCain is continuing his lowlife series of attack ads against Barrack Obama. It’s no surprise that McCain employs this tactic since he, and his campaign, are totally devoid of substance. These vicious attacks are now so plentiful that it appears McCain has authorized a, “surge”, in these despicable substitutes for any meaningful rhetoric about what he would do as president. But then why should he? It’s clear that one needs only to look at the present administration to see what we’ll get with a McCain presidency; more Bush bullshit. I say: “A vote for McCain is a vote for more of the same.” The McCain campaign has engaged in the use of deliberate misquotes, half truths, quotes taken out of context, and just plain character assassination. There was the bullshit about Obama’s trip to a gym in Kuwait in place of a visit with the troops. The truth is that Obama met with the troops at the gym. McCain accused Obama of never having visited any injured troops. The truth is that he did at Walter Reed Hospital. Even Conservative Republican Senator Hagel, of Nebraska, has stated that McCain’s campaign of hate is out of line, and a disgrace. All John McCain does is talk about, or should I say, diss, Obama, because he is a hollow man with nothing of importance or intelligence to say. George Bush once said that his friends were, “The haves and the have mores”, which thus far is the only truth I’ve heard him utter. Are you a member of that club? McCain is the same type of guy, and is not a man of the people, as is Barrack Obama. If you want more George Bush ineptness, arrogance, unnecessary wars, squandering of public funds, etc, etc, etc, then McCain is your guy. “A vote for McCain is a vote for more of the same.” Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: mccain bush president obama |