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Wednesday, November 07, 2007
RELIGIOUS LOONY ENDORSES POLITICAL LOONY Claiming that he, Pat Robertson, and Rudy Giuliani, because they are survivors of prostate cancer, think alike, the former has endorsed the latter as his choice for the Republican presidential candidate. This is Republican political theatre at its best. We have another Conservative/Republican/Gay hater, religious loony, Pat Robertson, whose thoughts always seem to gravitate towards a man's groin, endorsing a guy who wears dresses and marches in Gay Pride parades. Once again we have a religious leader endorsing a political candidate which is a clear violation of the rules governing a religious organization's tax exempt status. Hey IRS, how about doing something about this? Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: pat+robertson rudy+giuliani gay republican conservative president irs |