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Thursday, August 30, 2007
ANOTHER PERVERTED REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN Republicans and Conservatives like to hee-hee-hee about Bill Clinton's illicit, but normal, extramarital affairs, and of course they blame him for everything under the sun, including things that happened before he was born. If you ever need an excuse for something you screwed up or just didn't go the way you want you can always be a Republican for a little while and just blame Clinton. The Republican Party, also known as the War Party, and The Party of the Rich, claims to espouse high moral standards and ethics. These guys align themselves with every religious looney that votes and can write a check to a Republican candidate or the RNC. Meanwhile these are the guys that are always getting caught screwing underage males, disabled farm animals, insects, including flying insects if he's a quick Republican, a handful of worms, a fur coat, ground beef, Astroturf, and pretty much anything but an adult human female. After all, if these guys did try it with a woman they would run the risk of being told they weren't any good. You don't have that problem with a porcupine or an iceberg lettuce. The Republicans crucified Democratic Congressman and world class philanderer Gary Condit when it was discovered that he was having an affair with the missing Chandra Levy. They wanted his congressional seat so badly that they distracted the cops enough with their insistence that Condit be the main focus of their investigation that Levy's actual killer was never found. Good job guys, anything for another election win, including being an accessory after the fact to murder. So now we have Republican Senator Larry Craig, from the very red, and now red faced State of Idaho, caught playing "lemme see your pee-pee", in a Minneapolis public shithouse known to be a Gay hangout. He pled guilty, and now says he didn't do anything, and is sorry he pled guilty. He also says he isn't and never was Gay. You know, as a member of the "law and order" party, you would think he'd be happy that he got caught in a sting, run by cops, of course. At least he got first hand proof that he and his Party's supposed efforts to improve law enforcement are working. I'm sure the Republicans will say it's all Bill Clinton's fault because he hogged up all the women. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: republican larry+craig senator gay |