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Thursday, May 03, 2007
GAS PRICES GO UP INTELLIGENCE GOES DOWN I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed but I’m constantly amazed at just how incredibly stupid so many people are. A few days ago I paid $3.07 per gallon for regular gas in Las Vegas; some places were charging $3.23 for the same brew. About six weeks ago I was griping about paying $2.29. If they are to be believed, the gas pundits say that the reason prices are rising is due to high demand, and low availability. OK, let's take that at face value and then realize that, duh, if we demand less gas prices will go down. I, of course, don't believe that, but let's say, "in arguendo", that it is true. Now, in Las Vegas it seems that every other vehicle is either a giant SUV or a massive 4-wheel drive pickup truck, usually transporting a sole individual and no load. Of the regular cars on the road there is a plethora of "hot rod" type vehicles, either old pieces of crap that have been restored, or newer foreign cars sporting thousands of dollars worth of noise producing after market add ons. A few weeks earlier when I gassed up I noticed, for the first time, a separate pump that dispensed, "100 Plus Racing Fuel." Two things struck me, one, the gas was $4.99 per gallon, and two, it was sold out. Next I went to the supermarket. At the entrance were two young yo-yo's who were happy holders of those great American jobs the President is always saying we're lucky to have in abundance. One guy was sweeping up and the other was collecting shopping carts. Obviously they were Harvard and MIT graduates, or they wouldn't have jobs in the first place. They were taking a break and talking about cars. One of them said, quote: "So I thought, what the hell, I might as well get that one, it's faster, and a lot louder, and it costs the same." "Faster", now that makes sense in a town where the traffic crawls. "Louder", I guess that's important to an idiot. Yesterday, on the Vegas news, they profiled a few crybaby/assholes who were griping at the news of the probability of four buck a gallon gas. They were acting as if they were veritable Einsteins because they were going to "car pool" with their behemoth SUV's. Apparently they just realized that more than one asshole at a time can be transported in these things. Oh yeah, some of them said they were going to get motorcycles for commuting. I'm sure they'll get bikes that are loud and get poor gas mileage as well. None of them said they were going to part with their fad vehicles and buy a gas efficient car. I guess they'll just park them in front of the house and continue making the $500.00+ payments, while they wait for gas prices to come down. Smart, very smart. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: gas president las+vegas suv pickup+truck |