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Friday, April 20, 2007
BILL RICHARDSON, DUMBELL DEMOCRAT Here's another idiot who wants to be President, Bill Richardson, Democrat Governor of New Mexico. On April 18, he was asked why he hadn't called for the resignation of Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez. His reply was: "The only reason I'm not [calling for Gonzales's resignation] is because he's Hispanic, and I know him and like him, it's because he's Hispanic. I'm honest." Richardson is also Hispanic, and obviously, he's quite willing to make no bones about playing favorites. Now, Gonzalez may or may not be guilty of wrongdoing, and we may, or we may not ever know the truth. What does appear certain though is that Gonzalez is an idiot and is way out of his depth as Attorney General. This is the result of Bush's widespread cronyism. Unfortunately that alone is not enough to simply demand his ouster. The situation that gave rise to questions about Gonzalez' integrity is certainly suspicious enough to merit an investigation in my opinion. No one, however, should either be condemned or pardoned simply because he or she is or isn't a member of any particular group. It's fine to give someone the benefit of the doubt, in the absence of conclusive, damning evidence, but it's another thing to do so for a dumb reason, such as simply belonging to a particular group. I wouldn't want someone with this mindset to run the country. Fortunately Richardson has less of a chance of becoming President than a fart has surviving a tornado. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: gonzalez richardson attorney+general bush Friday, April 13, 2007
GIULIANI OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY Rudy Giuliani, the leading contender to be the Republican presidential candidate, probably clinched the nomination on Tuesday. "America’s Mayor" could not state the price of a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread while campaigning in Montgomery, Alabama. Giuliani thought that a gallon of milk sold for $1.50 and a loaf of bread went for $1.25. I'm sure Karl Rove, when he learned of this, had a spontaneous orgasm as he envisioned the sometimes dress wearing Giuliani as the perfect Republican president. "I didn’t think it was possible to find another guy like Bush, who can't find his own ass with both hands, in the same millennium," is a likely thought in Rove’s mind. "A Republican's dream, he's totally out of touch with mainstream America and he's been described as a "CEO type of presidential candidate", as was Bush, was probably another thought in Rove's mind. Giuliani's failed attempt at playing, "The Price Is Right," was defended by his campaign staffers when they later stated that the average price for a loaf of bread in the United States is $1.17 per pound. They stated that the figure came from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Perhaps one of these dim bulbs should take a walk through a supermarket and see what a buck seventeen gets you these days. Some will argue that it’s doubtful that Giuliani actually shops for food and therefore has no way of knowing what current prices are. Sorry, that's no excuse for someone who wants the job of managing the country, which is inhabited mostly by people of modest means, a fact that is usually ignored by the Republican Party. A potential president should know how much food costs the average citizen. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: guiliani bush president republican rove |