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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
IS GEORGE BUSH STARVING OUR TROOPS? Self proclaimed Super-Patriot, George W. Bush, who is always willing to spill the blood of our service members in defense of his big oil buddies, Halliburton, and most important, his own ego, is Commander-in-Chief of a starving Army and Marine Corp. It seems that the much heralded "MRE's", or "Meals Ready To Eat," that are doled out in ever decreasing numbers to those troops in the most dangerous and stressful areas of the Iraq theatre, are inadequate. In fact they are so pathetically unfit that many of our troops are losing weight in alarming amounts due to malnutrition. While the Bush's dine on some of the most expensive and exquisitely prepared cuisine, in lavish surroundings in the White House, with scores of footmen and various kitchen help at their beck and call, he's starving our front line troops. While Bush impatiently waits for his meat to be cut into perfect bite-size bits, and agonizes over the choices on the dessert menu, the Commander-in-Chief's troops have to get by on 4th rate garbage. Our men and women in harm's way, at his pleasure, have to get by on Smoky Franks and Chicken a la King, affectionately nicknamed the Four Fingers of Death and Chicken a la Death, and, the troops aren't even issued enough of them to satisfy their hunger. I have no idea who supplies this slop but it wouldn't surprise me if the country's biggest welfare recipient, Halliburton, is in there somewhere. Those of us who have been calling for the return of the troops, in order to save them from slaughter, are accused of "not supporting the troops" and being, "unpatriotic." Meanwhile, Bush and Cheney, neither of whom ever saw action, and in fact tough guy with everyone else's ass, Cheney, who wasn't ever in uniform, continue to call for more troops to be sent to Iraq, are hailed as the "patriotic supporters" of the troops. The real reason these two pinheads insist that this war is necessary is that Bush doesn't want to admit that he was wrong about going to war, Can anyone explain to me how this is possible? Read about how our troops health and fighting ability is being comprised by the Bush provided MRE's. Nearly everyone has heard the expression, "An army moves on its stomach." Napoleon realized that all those years ago, and his chefs invented the "French Fry" as an easy to prepare, high energy, field ration. Maybe what we need for our troops are a couple of mobile McDonalds out there on the front line. If the Karl Rove White House can figure out a way to get Halliburton 1000 times the amount of money necessary to bring the troops some McDonalds food, our service members will soon be saying, "Supersize those 'Freedom Fries'." Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: bush mcdonalds iraq mre karl+rove cheney Thursday, March 15, 2007
HALLIBURTON CORPORATION TO BECOME AN EXPATRIATE The darling corporation of the Bush Administration, Halliburton, the USA's probable biggest welfare recipient, apparently will be moving to Dubai to avoid paying US taxes. If this doesn't take the cake I don't know what does. Here we have a corporation of dubious quality that has been gifted, time and again, by Bush and Cheney, with huge, no bid government contracts, and they're moving out of the country for a better deal. Of course Halliburton will continue sucking the US Treasury dry and the Republicans will then state that anyone who doesn't like this set up is a traitor, a coward, and doesn't support the troops. Is this a gift to Dubai to make up for not allowing one of their companies to control security at US ports? Let's see, how will this all pan out? Perhaps something will happen in Dubai and their government will nationalize all companies based on their soil, excuse me, sand. Next, Halliburton's remaining executives in Bush’s home state of Texas will pick up the phone and start calling Republican lawmakers/breakers to ask for help. Then, all the "patriotic" types will start expressing outrage by mounting American flags on their 10-miles-per-gallon SUV's and pickup trucks, and riding around honking their horns and shouting "we're number one, let's kick Dubai's ass." The Republicans will then state that anyone who opposes war with Dubai is a traitor, a coward, and doesn't support the troops they want to send. The religious wrong will finally prevail and convince our leaders to attack Dubai and save Halliburton and Christianity. The Republicans will then state that anyone who expresses an opinion in opposition to the upcoming war with Dubai is a traitor, a coward, a Jesus hater, an enemy of the moral majority, is godless, and doesn't support the troops. Another "Shock and Awe" spectacle, planned and staged by The Disney Corporation commences during which we will expend $100 billion worthy of munitions, which are immediately replaced by the same amount of ordnance by our defense contractors, for $200 billion. Wall Street goes wild as the Dow sets a new record and the Republicans lay claim to improving the economy. The Republicans will state that anyone who says that this isn't good for America is a traitor, a coward, and does not support the troops. "Shock and Awe, the Sequel", results in the destruction of both of the Dubai Navy's canoes, and the empty doublewide mobile home that houses their crews. The follow up ground invasion results in the killing of all of Dubai's 100 man defense force that was contracted through Halliburton. Congress then determines that it was all a misunderstanding and appropriates 2 trillion dollars for reparations and pays Halliburton 3 trillion dollars to disburse the funds to itself. The Republicans state that anyone who feels this is wrong is a traitor, a coward, and doesn't support the troops. Halliburton subcontracts the purchase of 2 canoes and a doublewide for $175.00, to a Bush family relative in Texas, who runs a live bait and coyote trap store in a suburb of Crawford. He in turn bills the Federal government $175 million for administrative costs and is paid $174 million after the Democrats determine that he overcharged. The actual payout though is $176 million when interest for the delay caused by the investigation is factored in. On the last day of his Presidency Bush endows the local American military commander in Dubai with the new title of Royal Viceroy. The following day The Viceroy then appoints Dick Cheney as the president of the new country of "The Republic of Hallidubuairton Incorporated". The Republicans state that anyone who doesn't see the sense in this is a traitor, a coward, and doesn't support the troops. Congress then approves a bill that stations 150,000 US troops in The Republic of Hallidubuairton to protect former Vice-President Cheney. It is justified by saying that the Secret Service isn't sufficient in force to protect him now that he is no longer in a "secure, undisclosed location." The Republican's then state that anyone who opposes this action is a traitor, a coward, and doesn't support the troops. Within 24 hours gasoline prices rise to ten bucks a gallon in the United States and Wall Street posts another record high on the Dow. The Republicans state that anyone who disagrees with the theory that is good for the country is a traitor, a coward, and doesn't support the troops. Anne Coulter writes 15 books about the 15 minute war and the Republicans state that anyone who doesn't buy the books is a traitor, a coward, and doesn't support the troops. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Wednesday, March 07, 2007
SCOOTER LIBBY GUILTY! Good news! Scooter Libby was found guilty of perjury in the first of what I hope will be a long series of trials and convictions for Bush's henchmen, spin doctors, thieves, manipulators, prevaricators, multi-purpose thugs, and other worthless reprobates. After years of persecution by jealous Republicans over a lie that was harmless to the public, Bill Clinton must be singing the tune, "Who's Lying Now". Of course we'll have to wait to see if this cocky little poop ever gets to play drop the soap with other jail birds. If the appeals and other legal wrangling fail we could be treated to another round of Republican pardons, a la Nixon, Oliver North, et al. It was reported that when the verdict was read one of the jurors broke down in tears. What the hell is going on in our courts with all these crying judges, lawyers and jurors? Many news people stated that there was a lot of sympathy for Libby's family, and remarks that it was such a shame that a guy like him went down the way he did. Who the hell is kidding who? He’s a frigging lawyer for crissake which means he was half way to being a criminal right from the get go. If people want to express sympathy, they should do so for people who deserve it such as the widows, widowers and orphans of the service members who died, and those who were wounded in an unnecessary war that the Scooters of the world help their bosses, such as Cheney and Bush, bring about. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Labels: scooter+libby bush clinton |