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Monday, February 05, 2007
THE CASE AGAINST RELIGION People confuse belief in God with religion. You don't have to belong to a religious group in order to believe in, pray to, or praise God. Religion, no matter which one it is, is a club, or a cult comprised of members who share the same interest, much the same as a bowling league, or a quilting circle, or a photography club. You can bowl, make a quilt, or take pictures on your own right? You don’t need other people in order to do these things, and you don't need others in order to believe in God, or pray. Here's the MSN Encarta definition of religion, copied and pasted without alteration: 1. beliefs and worship: people's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life 2. system: an institutionalized or personal system of beliefs and practices relating to the divine 3. personal beliefs or values: a set of strongly-held beliefs, values, and attitudes that somebody lives by See, the first definition doesn't bother me, but the second one does. The reason for that is that people who belong to a religious group, an institution, often try to impress their beliefs on others, and they demonize those who won't go along with their program. In the past few weeks the following occurred, as the direct result of the actions of religious loonies who forced others to adhere to their religious beliefs. While a 21-year-old rape victim was being driven around by the cops in an attempt to locate the scene of the crime they discovered that there was an outstanding warrant on her for a minor, non-violent crime she committed 4 years earlier. The search was broken off; she was arrested, and imprisoned. While in jail the religious looney nurse refused to give her the second of her day after birth control pills, which were prescribed by a hospital doctor, because the nurse felt her religion wouldn't permit it. Elsewhere, an Islamic religious looney, cab driver, refused a fare because the guy had a shopping bag with a bottle of liquor in it. He said "his" god would be offended by that. These actions are downright wrong, and in the first case, potentially terribly harmful. No one has the right to impress his or her "values," which are nothing more than that person's concept of right and wrong, on anyone else. Pharmacists who refuse to fill Rx's for any legal medication; medical personnel who refuse to administer, or allow a patient access to legally prescribed compounds or medical procedures should be held criminally responsible for their actions. They should lose their licenses and be barred for life from engaging in all employment in any aspect of the medical profession. The cab driver should be charged with discrimination and barred from driving public and private conveyances. Isn't it time we grew up as a Nation and stopped this silly intermingling of personal beliefs and public behavior that adversely affects the rights of others? Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito |