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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
DICK ARMEY, STILL BLOWING SMOKE Republican blowhard, Dick Armey, assured himself of an even higher spot on the "Republican Register of Ridiculous Rhetoric" yesterday. The former majority leader was a guest on Tucker Carlson's show and the discussion drifted to Bush's abominable handling of his Iraq war. Armey defended his god by saying that while the Democrats keep criticizing Bush’s failed plan they've yet to come up with a plan of their own. OK, fair enough, but of course if they did they wouldn't have the authority to implement it, after Bush is, as he say, "the decider." Then Armey goes on to say, "At least the President has a plan, it's better than no plan." Uh, excuse me, Dick, 70+% of the country feels that Bush's plan is a "no plan." Worse yet is that Armey stated that he believed that people should go along with Bush's "plan," if only because there isn't another. Apparently Armey missed the results of the last election in which the American people overwhelmingly let Bush know that they wanted us out of Iraq or at least for Bush to come up with a better plan, as our sorry-assed "decider." Later in the day I caught a newscast in which Bush appeared, sporting his usual smirk. He said, "There are two possibilities, one is to get out of Iraq now. That would be a quick defeat for us. The other is to do it slowly. That would be a slow defeat." You have to admire a guy with that kind of insight. So it looks like we'll be in Iraq longer, so more of our guys can get killed, in order that Halliburton can make a few billion more. I wonder how it feels to not have a conscience. I'll ask Bush if I'm ever unlucky enough to be around him. Idiocy #2 The possibility that Barack Obama might run for the Presidency as the Democratic candidate was the next topic. Armey couldn't wait to jump in on this and said, "Who is this guy? He comes out of nowhere and wants to be President, just like Kerry." If Danny DeVito was drunk on TV not long ago, Armey must have a severe case of wet brain, coupled with outright stupidity. No wonder he rose so high in the Republican Party. First off, Kerry, like him or not, has plenty of political experience at the Federal level. I guess old Dick was too busy playing footsies with lobbyists while he was on the hill and never noticed. Second, what does he mean by, "comes out of nowhere?" Who the hell was the pea-brained President we have now, before he was appointed President by the Supreme Court? All he ever did was act as Governor of Texas for a few years; he didn’t have any Federal political experience at all. Obama had more years in the Illinois State Legislature and then became a US Senator, by actually winning the election. Keep in mind that Armey was a principal in the drafting of the daft Newt Gingrich fantasy, "Contract With America", and oh yeah, he's a proponent of the privatization of Social Security, another of Bush's wet dreams that will enable even more wealth to be transferred to his rich supporters. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito |