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Thursday, December 21, 2006
HOW TO KNOW WHEN CHRISTMAS IS NEAR There are two unfailing ways for anyone who either doesnt own, or know how to use a calendar, to tell that Christmas is approaching. The first hint is that advertisements for electric shavers start appearing on TV. It seems as if electric shavers are only sold in December. The absolute giveaway though is when the world's biggest welfare recipient, NASA, presents its Christmas list to the U.S. government. Usually this event is preceded by the announcement that they've discovered something useless, that is a million light-years away in space, and then there's the inevitable December shuttle launch that sends a broken down shuttle to repair something on the broken down International Space Station. This and nearly everything NASA does is a shameful waste of taxpayer money. As I write this NASA again has its ass in a sling over where the hell they can land the shuttle. As usual it may not be able to land in Florida because of bad weather. If it has to land in the alternative location in California it will then cost a million bucks to transport that monstrosity piggy back, on a 747. But then, what the hell is a million bucks to NASA? In the scheme of things a million bucks to NASA is mere pocket change, out of our pockets, of course. NASA gives less thought to shelling out a million bucks for a plane ride than the average parent does when asked for a buck for candy by one of his or her kids. But then, the parent works for that buck, NASA's dilettantes don't. Bear in mind that these rocket joy rides are gleefully approved by the same guys in our government who insist that government sponsored health care is impossible for Americans because of a lack of funds. Of course they, the congress and the President, enjoy free health care for life, at our expense. That's fair. What has the shuttle program done for you lately, or ever? This year's NASA Christmas list is a masterpiece of imagination and greed. These welfare recipients not only want to return to the Moon, they want to build a permanent base there. NASA has a grandiose plan that includes the manufacture of rocket fuel, on the Moon, if they can find a source of water there. NASA went on to say that the Moon would provide a perfect place from which to launch expeditions to Mars, and then, if they can find enough water on Mars, a permanent base can be built there, so we can further explore space. Hey, rocket scientists, how about finding some fresh, unpolluted water here on Earth? I have no doubt that this whole Moon base nonsense is the result of the announcement a few years ago, by the Chinese, that they intend to travel to the Moon and establish a base there. Holy shit, we can't have that; we can't be Moon base challenged; we have to do it first. I'll bet Halliburton is already lobbying congress for the assignment. Maybe the government will put up some nice condos too, and offer daily commuter trips back to Earth for the rich people who will live on the Moon. That way they can go to their offices every day on Earth, and continue shipping jobs to other countries, and order more goods from China to sell in America. They'll still be back home on the Moon in time to have their "squeeze out of a plastic bag, 'Moon meals'" and Tang, with the family. The Chinese know how to make assholes out of our government alright. Have they done anything to get their Moon base started? No, and don't expect that they will anytime soon. They'll just sit back, and laugh at us, as we piss away trillions doing what our politicians fear they will do, while they wear out their abacuses counting the money we ship them for the things that are no longer made here. Merry Christmas! Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Tuesday, December 05, 2006
NEWT GINGRICH WANTS TO CURTAIL FREE SPEECH Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is back, with another lame-brain idea. It's about a month since the election and I guess Gingrich found a discarded Republican Party banner and decided to run with it. Newt, who apparently fancies himself as a potential Presidential candidate, wants to modify the right to free speech. As has been the case for years with the Republican Party, his idea is put forth under the guise of national security. In other words, it's the use of scare tactics to further promote the acceptance of, and expand Bush's self-conveyed, near dictatorial powers. There are details enough all over the place on this radical idea which calls for government authority to selectively silence anyone who is felt to be a threat to what are quickly becoming the Imperial powers of the President. Gingrich says that the Internet is a prime vehicle for the terrorist's recruitment campaign and to convey messages. His plan would allow the Federal Government to shut down websites deemed suspicious. This lunatic loser calls for a "New level of supervision", which translates into a furtherance of the beloved Republican, "Nanny Society", which would basically subject the populace to scrutiny by Right-Wing political/religious loonies. Can you say "Witch Hunt," or "American Inquisition?" Although Gingrich stated that he would not run for President, the egotist supreme said he just might allow himself to be drafted, if it's the will of the people. What a guy; how thoughtful of him. I'm in favor of sensible surveillance by proper police and government authorities to thwart all crime, including terrorism. However, these open ended, spur of the moment attempts to take away our basic rights and freedoms are dangerous for all the obvious reasons, and defeat the purpose for which this country was founded. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito |