Thursday, November 16, 2006

Six days after the election Hillary Clinton remarks that government sponsored health care should again be considered, and immediately, on Neal Cavuto's Fox/GOPTV show, Republican congressman Roy Blunt says:

"What a huge blow this will be to the taxpayers. After 12 years of a Republican congress people can see the huge strides that were made and now the Democrats want to reverse this."

Uh, excuse me, did he miss the election last week when his Party was told that they, and their lamebrain policies weren't wanted?

What we need is an overhaul of the entire US health care system which is incredibly bogged down in paperwork and stupidity all designed to enrich the corporate entities that have transformed Health Care, into corporate, "Wealth Care," for the rich.

There's no continuity of service because of constant changes to the various plans' list of providers. If you have to go to a new doctor everything starts over from scratch, which is wasteful and delays treatment. There are too many health plans, one worse than the other, and it's outrageous that an accountant or lawyer decides who gets what, after a doctor says a treatment or medication is a medical necessity.

Who would be so stupid as to not want an efficient, cost effective system where everyone benefits, except the businessmen, who shouldn't be involved with your health in the first place?

What the hell good is a country if half its citizenry is sick?

What the hell is so wrong with spending some taxpayer dollars on the taxpayers?

People like Blunt and his colleagues are the same clowns who readily sign off on hundreds of billions of dollars for "bridges to nowhere," e.g. They gleefully give NASA billions to blow a hole in a distant rock, just so they can see if it can be done, or to find water on Mars, so a spokesperson can say, "Hey, we found a teaspoon of water on Mars. Can we have 5 billion more so we can look for sand? That way we can say we found a beach."

A billion and a half bucks a week is being spent in Iraq, and for what? All that money does is get Americans killed, while making Halliburton's executives richer. Whether we stay there another day, or a hundred years, the moment we leave chaos will ensue, and the wrong people will take over.

Why not use that money for an American health care system devoid of HMO's, insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, countless administrators, advertising companies, and various and sundry other unnecessary middle men and failed programs?

The drug companies will make even more money by selling more products, at a lower cost, because everyone will get all the medications prescribed by their doctors.

Who the hell is some congressman, who enjoys free healthcare, the best available, for life, at taxpayer's expense, to tell us that we shouldn't have it too, while NASA gets billions to play with the useless, overpriced toys produced by Corporate America?

But what can you expect from a Party that just installed racist Senator Trent Lott as its Minority Whip.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Not the Republican Party, they'll always be with us, but most of the worst of them are gone, hopefully for good.

The party is over for King George II however, and that's what's important. The man with the big Rolodex and small brain will no longer be able to dream something up, make a phone call, and have his Legislative Branch snap to, and do his bidding, no matter how inane.

The arrogant Rumsfeld is also gone and hopefully his replacement will put the troops and not his ego first.

The American people have finally demanded what I've been saying we should have, elected officials who do what the majority of the people feel is best, and not just what the lobbyists tell them to do while golfing in Scotland.

Let's never again let them forget that they were hired to get us what we want, by working together, and they're not to tell us what's best for us.

You hire a doctor, or lawyer, or accountant, or a plumber to tell you what you should do, or need. You don't hire/elect a surgeon, or the unaccomplished son of a football coach to tell you that you shouldn't have online gambling, e.g.

These guys are put in office because it is believed that they possess the persuasiveness to get what their constituents want, and that's all.

We've had enough of this nanny society, and politicians who say they are in direct contact with God.

What's truly significant about this election is that the ouster of the Republicans was not accomplished by the far Left, or the Democrats, it was a team effort by Americans of all stripes.

The Democrats and Liberals could not have done this without extensive support from the Republicans and Conservatives who finally grew tired of the corruption within their own Party.

It takes a lot for dedicated party liners to defect and say they're not going to allow themselves to be represented by people who are deceiving them, and my hat is off to them.

These Republicans and Conservatives did the right thing, and now the congress, the Democrats in particular, should do the right thing. They should use their new found power to insure that these Republicans and Conservatives become permanent converts to right minded, Independent thinking, and not go back to being slaves to party politics that benefit only a few.

PlayTime Las Vegas

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and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The hypocrisy generated by the Bush White House just keeps coming.

One of our religious zealot President's advisors, Ted Haggard, has been accused of paying a male prostitute for sex over a three year period.

Haggard first claimed on camera that he never so much as even heard of his accuser, Mike Jones, and then the next day claimed he bought methamphetamine from him.

Then the following day he stated that bought methamphetamine from the male prostitute so he could throw it away.

Ya know Haggard, if you're going to be part of the Bush Bullshit Brigade, at least take some lessons from some of his well established prevaricators.

If ever one had reason to question Bush's ability to make decisions one only needs to consider the kind of people he consults for guidance.

The possibility that Haggard is either gay or bisexual doesn't bother me in the least, but the fact that this Evangelical loony rails against homosexuality and gay marriage, which makes him a hypocrite, does.

What's worse is that the President apparently gets on his knees with this guy, and does whatever it is that he does in private with him in the Oval Office, and then tells the public that he communed with God.

These private "consultations" with an admitted methamphetamine buyer confirm what many have thought about the type of advisors Bush has as confidants. It's obvious that that Bush and the Republican Party will play up to any individual who promises to deliver votes.

What's especially galling is that these guys have portrayed themselves as moralists who were going to clean up government and stomp out the dreaded Liberalism, which they claim gives rise to the kind of people that they themselves consort with.

So far, the Republican Party, under Bush's administration, has brought us, just to name a few of the most notorious, Duke Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, Mark Foley, Scooter Libby, Tom DeLay, and now a possible druggie religious advisor, who most certainly is a liar.

Couple this with a President who lied about the reasons we had to go to war with Iraq, and consequently have nearly 3,000 of our troops murdered, and the Republicans will still say it's better than having a President who lied about getting his knob polished.

They'd rather have a guy running the place who takes advice from criminals, claims God talks to him, and who possesses that deadliest combination of faults, ignorance and arrogance.

Bush never makes a mistake; he never admits he's wrong. This is the leader of the free world and he says things such as: "The Internets," and, "The Google," both of which he proudly admits he doesn't understand.

But then, out of understanding and necessity we're froced to hold him to a lower standard than 12 year olds.

This is the same guy who said that men work so they can, "Lay food on their family," and that, "Gynecologists practice love on their patients."

Remember that this is the same man who is directing the war in Iraq and who says the economy is great because the stock market is high. Forget that this only benefits a few institutional investors, and the CEO's of Corporate America.

All the schmucks with a few dozen shares of stock, who think they're players, love the feeling of association with the rich, and gladly lend their support to the party that does not have these guy's best economic interests at heart.

This President says he doesn't read the newspapers and doesn't care about popularity polls. This means he doesn't care about what's going on and he doesn't give a shit about the fact that the vast majority of Americans think he's doing the wrong things.

That's proof of ignorance and arrogance.

Next month the War in Iraq will have been waged for a longer period of time than World War II and there's no end in sight.

World War II encompassed most of Europe and the Pacific, while Iraq is a confined area the size of Texas. Germany and Japan possessed advanced military machines, and huge armies, while Iraq's combatants are a bunch of rag-tag losers utilizing makeshift armament.

This is not a knock against our guys and gals in the field, it's an indictment of the way this war is being directed by the current administration, which is more interested in making Halliburton richer, than preserving American service member's lives, and limbs.

World War II was fought, and won, under the direction of two Democratic Presidents, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.

This unnecessary, and apparently un-winnable war, is under the direction of the Republicans.

If you haven't already voted keep all this in mind when you enter the booth.

Remember that Bush wouldn't have his near dictatorial powers if not for the fact that he controls both the Executive, and Legislative branches of government, and holds great sway over the Judicial Branch.

A vote for a Republican candidate, who will do as he or she is ordered by the Karl Rove White House, is tantamount to another vote for Bush, and his America destroying policies.

Here's a link to more on the Haggard and Hooker story.

PlayTime Las Vegas

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and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito