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Thursday, October 26, 2006
RUSH LIMBAUGH, SCUMBAG Republican/Conservative lap dog Rush Limbaugh recently distinguished himself, along the lines of Ann Coulter, his frustrated bitch female equivalent. He accused Michael J. Fox of acting up his Parkinson's symptoms when he made TV commercials supporting candidate's who are in favor of stem cell research. Michael J. Fox has the kind of class and talent of which a Rush Limbaugh could only dream and his attack is further evidence of the fact that he's nothing more than an immature, spoiled, overgrown child. Limbaugh even went so far as to take time out from sucking on his now famous phallic symbol cigar to mimic the uncontrollable spasms that Fox endures as a result of Parkinson's disease. This despicable creature has no bona fides to his name other than the ability to endlessly preach hate in a boring monotone. Limbaugh attended a minor college and dropped out after less than a year because he flunked a "speech class." This Mr. He-Man, who revels in seeing others loose their lives in Bush's wars, avoided the military draft, after dropping out of college, by claiming he suffered from a Pilonidal Cyst, which is essentially a pimple on one's ass. Now this pseudo-entertainer has assumed the position that he is capable of acting in the capacity of a medical doctor by stating that Fox apparently skipped his palliative medication in order to emphasize the shakes that accompany this terrible disease. But what the hell, Limbaugh has convinced his brain-dead audience that he's an expert on matters of war and diplomacy so why not stretch it to medicine? Perhaps he has some medical knowledge garnered from his association with scores of physicians with whom he has acquainted himself, and deceived, for the purpose of illegally obtaining prescription narcotics, under the guise of a sore back. It should be blatantly clear by now that Limbaugh's attitude rflects the mind-set of the entire Republican/Conservative/religious loony politicians and their kiss-ass worshippers. Thus far the only person I've heard defend Limbaugh is G. Gordon Liddy, a Nixon flunky, and Watergate felon, who is also a Conservative radio bullshit artist. Liddy sided with Limbaugh on religious grounds, by stating that stem cell research uses newly created humans to clone tissue, and it doesn't work. He's another pea brain bully Mr. Morality, who suddenly knows everything, and bestowed a medical degree upon himself. I don't know if stem cells derived from fertilized eggs will be effective in curing disease but I think it's worth a try. As for the morality of it, that's another bit of claptrap that the Right-wing religious loonies have burdened the scientific community with. Limbaugh's overt lack of compassion and child-like behavior should bring shame to anyone who counts him or herself among his legions of misguided fans. This is the same odious character who, during one of his daily worthless diatribes, stated that anyone who uses drugs illegally should do jail time. Uh, apparently that would be anyone but himself. Limbaugh is the poster boy and standard bearer of the compassionless and socially disconnected "fuck you" crowd. He's a modern day Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister of the Neo-Conservative movement in America. I feel sorry for people who find it necessary to seek the daily counsel of a cretin like Limbaugh. He apparently fills a need for those who live in fear of making a decision on their own, and who feel the need to bow to the preaching's of a political party's leaders. These people live in fear of making a mistake, and out of desperation to just "belong" to some group or another, willingly surrender their right to free thinking. Decent Republicans and Conservatives, and there are some among the losers those parties attract, should want to distance themselves from Limbaugh. He is really nothing more than a smart ass prick that got lucky by saying the same nonsensical things over and over and over to people desperate for direction in their no-life, lives. He's a bully who hides behind a microphone spouting the hatred ridden lies his worshippers are afraid to speak. Limbaugh is a disgrace to America and an insult to anyone who suffers from a disability. One can only hope that an incurable disease, an autoimmune disease, such as Parkinson's, befalls this despicable creature so he can experience first hand the suffering, and feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and desperation that accompany such conditions. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Thursday, October 19, 2006
ANOTHER CHURCH ENDORSES REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN The connection between organized religion and the Republican Party is becoming more brazenly open as politicians are increasingly emboldened by the lack of action by the IRS. Minor moron Michele Bachman, a Republican candidate for congress, appeared at the Living Word Christian Center, a mega-church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota and with the blessing of church official gleefully stated: "...and in the midst of that calling, God then called me to run for the United States Congress. And I thought, what in the world would that be for? And my husband said "You need to do this." And I wasn't so sure. And we took three days, and we fasted and we prayed. And we said "Lord, is this what you want? Is this Your will?" And after - along about the afternoon of day two - He made that calling sure. And it's been now 22 months that I've been running for United States Congress. Who in their right mind would spend two years to run for a job that lasts for two years? You'd have to be absolutely a fool to do that. You are now looking at a fool for Christ. This is a fool for Christ." Uh-huh, and soeth she doth appeals to other fools to vote for her. This religious loony also claims that the Lord called upon her to marry her husband, etc, etc, etc. Pastor Mac Hammond introduced Bachman thusly: "Amen. Now be seated again for a moment please. I have somebody special I want to introduce you to tonight. State Senator Michele Bachmann is with us and I'm going to ask her to come in in just a moment, and of course many of you know Michele, know of her pursuit of the United States Senate seat vacated by Mark Kennedy or Congressional seat vacated by Mark Kennedy's run for a United States Senate seat. Keeping all this straight gets to be challenging. But ya know we can't publicly endorse as a church and would not for any candidate but I can tell you personally that I'm going to vote for Michele Bachmann, because I've come to know her, what she stands for, and I want her to share her testimony with you tonight. Would you give her a warm welcome as she comes to share? Thank you Michele." Folks, that's an endorsement of a political candidate by a church official enjoying tax exempt status. By the way, this "good Christian" politician also professes to practice, "Submission to her husband." Uh-huh. Again I put the call out to the IRS to enforce its own code and revoke the tax exempt status of these churches. That will bring in plenty of tax dollars for the government. What's the matter guys? Don't you want to make points with your boss, the other politician who claims to take direction straight from God, President Bush? Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Monday, October 09, 2006
JERRY FALWELL'S TAX EXEMPT STATUS SHOULD BE REVOKED It's a shame that this important matter will go largely unnoticed due to the ongoing self destruction of the Republican Party but it should be reported somewhere. During the last week of September, on Fox News/GOPTV, a blessed out Jerry Falwell clearly stated that his worshippers would galvanize to defeat the Democrats at the polls. Falwell made no bones about endorsing the defeat of opponents to the Republican Party, such as Hillary Clinton, whom he said would "energize" the Christians who respond to his blather. By stating that, quote: "Hillary Clinton might have 300 million dollars for campaigning, but he had 80 million votes among the people of faith in his congregation," he clearly violated the rules that grant his church tax exempt status. This major league windbag's call to "oppose" a political candidate is no different than a call to "support" a political candidate. The Director of the IRS made it patently clear a few days earlier that to either "endorse" or openly "oppose" any political candidate would be considered a violation of tax exempt status. In the first place it should be obvious that the Wrong Reverend is a blatant politico due to his frequent appearances on Fox News/GOPTV where he comments only on political matters. He's not on TV promoting Christian values such as protecting children, feeding the poor, or praying for world peace. No, he's on TV, all smiles, as he openly endorses the Republican Party candidates, and their agenda, while comparing their opponents to the devil. It seems that Falwell has been taking clues from Hugo Chavez and applying them in reverse. On September 22nd, during a "prayer breakfast," which was part of a "Value Voters Summit," in Washington D.C, Falwell also assured his worshippers that, quote: "God would preserve a Republican majority in congress." Part of this blatantly political rally disguised as a religious function featured a number of Conservative/Republican/religious loony politicians who feature themselves as the successor to Bush. This is an outrageous situation and like a mad dog Falwell needs to be muzzled. If he wishes to exercise his right to free speech regarding politics, fine, then he should resign as a clergyman. I call for the IRS to revoke Falwell's tax exempt status, or at the very least, to issue a public warning to him, and others of his ilk, to go back to being the CEO's of their profitable religious corporations, and lay off the politics. Let's see if the IRS has the balls to do it. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Sunday, October 01, 2006
REPUBLICAN PARTY GETS AN ENEMA Duke Cunningham, Tom DeLay, Bob Ney, George Allen, Mark Foley, the list of recently disgraced, elected Republicans continues to grow. There's a long overdue and much needed high colonic being administered to hopefully flush the rest of the thieves, racists, sexual deviates, and other fecal matter out of this alimentary system known as the Republican Party. Florida Republican deviate Representative Mark Foley has been text messaging sexually explicit messages to a 16-year-old minor House page using the handle, maf54. Nice, and this clown supposedly is concerned about protecting children. Well, this is one less frequent guest for Bill O'Reilly, another of Fox News', GOPTV blowhards, and charter member of their "Noise Machine." At this rate he'll soon have only himself to interview, which I guess would suit him just fine, Great guy this member of the party that's always aligning themselves with various religious groups and preaching morality. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, happens to House Speaker, Dennis Hastert, that useless, slug-like land whale. Republican Representative Tom Reynolds released a statement yesterday confirming that he informed Hastert about Foley's interest in young boy's genitals early this year. I know exactly what the Republican/Conservative/Religious Wrong's reaction to this will be. They will compare Foley's deviate predilection for male children to Clinton's normal interest in adult females. They'll say, "Oh it's just sex," while completely ignoring the difference between illicit sex engaged in by a married person, and illegal sex with minors. I've often said that if the Right Wing loonies had more interest in sex they'd hopefully stop screwing the country in an economic sense, but Jesus Christ, I meant between consenting adults. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito |