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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
GEORGE ALLEN-RACIST Can there be any doubt that this guy, the Republican/Conservative Senator from Virginia, who is attempting to extend his membership in the, country club like, "Millionaires Club," as the U.S. Senate is called by insiders, is a racist? Recently this guy referred, with obvious disgust, to what he thought was a foreign student, as a macaca, whatever that is, and you can bet it's not complimentary. That should be proof enough of his racist tendencies. He was also careful to advise his worshippers that the macaca was with his opponent’s camp. It turns out that the student is a Virginia born American of Indian extraction. This guy, Allen, also concealed the fact that there is Jewish blood in his family, and when asked about it he angrily replied that he was raised as a Christian. He didn't say it with pride or conviction; he said it for purposes of identification with the misguided religious wrong who support any yo-yo who puts his or herself forth as a Christian. That's more evidence that the separation of church and state is eroding in our country. My hat is off to the IRS which is currently investigating hundreds of Christian churches for violations of their tax-exempt status due to their open support of primarily Conservative/Republican candidates. Several of his former college football team mates have accused him of using racial slurs during his good old boy frat house days. I believe them. Just by watching this guy react in his cocky, smart-ass, smirky manner, you can see his bully boy, life of privilege and, "I don't answer to anyone," attitude, emerge. So far, one college pal of his has come to Allen's defense by stating: "I never heard him say anything like that." Predictable, but was he with Allen 24/7/365, for years on end? In all my years in Catholic schools I was never dealt with in any but the most correct way by the nuns, priests and Christian Brothers I came into contact with. I never saw or heard of anything untoward happening to any of my fellow students either. Does that mean that child abuse never happened anywhere within the Catholic school system in the entire world? Unfortunately, no. This guy, Allen, is supposedly on a short list of Republicans being considered as the party’s candidate for President. I know that party is rife with losers, and felons, and there isn't much of a choice, but can't they do any better than Allen? Hopefully the Republican Party will go back to its roots and select someone with a background typical of their Presidential candidates: rich, spoiled, unqualified, fairly stupid, champion of the rich, and willing to do what corporate America wants, i.e. be a good boy and figurehead. It would be better for America, should the Republicans win the White House, to just continue with another idiot President, who claims he text messages God, than to have all the above with racist added. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Wednesday, September 20, 2006
MORE SHUTTLE SHIT Can someone please tell me what the hell this damn shuttle is all about? First off, it takes forever to get the damn thing off the ground, with delay, after delay, after costly delay Then, when the damn thing finally gets into orbit, the first thing the crew has to do is go outside, and see how many pieces of the damn thing fell off. The media is always sure to show a shot of the space shuttle in an inverted position so the crew can check its underside. They call this a "belly flop," and make a big deal of it. If anyone wants to see a "belly flop" the government should pay for them to go to "SeaWorld." It will cost a lot less even if the entire population wants to go. Next the crew visits the International Space Station and installs some crap on that damn thing in order to keep that piece of shit going. This accommodates other countries that send their astronauts to it and charge "civilian visitors" 20 million bucks a pop for a trip up there. We have to be the dumbest country on Earth. Then the crew has to "kick the tires" for a few more days to see if the damn thing can limp back to Earth. Would you buy a car that needed that much attention every time you drove it? Now the return to Earth is delayed because there's some space junk, possibly from the shuttle itself, floating around or near it, they think, or perhaps far away, they're not sure. Just now on a newscast, a NASA spokesman said that there's always the possibility that something can "get away," from a shuttle's cargo bay and float off. Great! This particular shuttle, Atlantis, hasn't flown for four years. Do you mean to tell me that with the hundreds of millions they piss away to prepare these damn things for flight someone couldn't get his ass over to Wal-Mart and plunk down 7 bucks for a broom so someone could sweep out the damn thing? When the damn thing gets back on the ground, let's keep it, and the rest of them here, permanently, and declare this junior high science project finished. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Saturday, September 16, 2006
WAKE UP AMERICA! Yesterday the Ford Motor Company announced additional massive layoffs and other "cost cutting" measures. Basically, they're going out of business. A Ford spokesguy stated that their "business model," was about 10 years out of date and needed to be changed. His solution, "There's a shift to smaller, fuel efficient vehicles." No shit Sherlock, you're only about 30 years behind the Japanese, the Germans, the Swedes, and just about any other country that manufactures automobiles. But hey, this is America, and we're number 1, according to so many people. Yeah, let's make that number 1 in stupidity. The magnates of Motor City have stated in the past that it's the labor unions that caused the collapse of the domestic auto industry with their outrageous demands for higher wages, health insurance and retirement benefits. How dare an ordinary worker demand a crumb off the pie that the auto company's grossly overpaid, and highly ineffective CEOs scarf down in huge gulps. It's a fact that Ford has existed, for decades now, thanks largely on the sale of its F150 pickup truck, a vehicle designed for commercial use by tradesmen and farmers. Is it possible that Ford sells enough of these vehicles to those who need them in order to stay in existence? Of course not, people who need a pickup for business typically buy what they need and replace it when it's worn out. These guys don't adorn their vehicles with blue neon lights along the running boards and equip them with enhanced exhaust systems and 3,000 watt stereos, so when they tool down the streets everyone within a 5 mile radius will know that Mr. Joe "I'm a Nobody" Asshole, is driving around wasting gas in an effort to get noticed. Farmers and tradesmen also don't buy trucks with 4 wheel drive unless they must, because a truck is a business expense, not a toy. Any independent tradesman I've ever hired, such as Steve, my plumber, buys the smallest truck they can get away with, in order to save money. That's why Steve is still in business and Ford may not be for very long. It's those moronic urban cowboys who add 4 wheel drive, even though the only time the truck is off road is when it's parked in their driveways. But Ford and GM continue catering to the idiots, including the 5 foot tall, 100 pound women who insist on driving a Ford Excursion, because, well, they don't really know why, they're just doing it because everyone else is. A few years ago when gasoline prices started going up the idiot head of Ford made the statement, "We will continue to build them as big as our customers want." when asked if he thought that perhaps the time had come for the domestic auto industry to build small vehicles. That moron was quickly followed by Utah's finest idiot, Senator Orrin Hatch, who was outraged by the idea that his constituency should rethink their love for monster trucks. His response to the idea of fuel economy was, "America is a nation of want not need." Well, Mister Smart Ass Hatch, at the rate we're going we soon may "need" everything that we currently take for granted as the country's business leaders continue to export our jobs, and import everything that used to be manufactured domestically. This drain on the economy in the interests of a higher and higher dividend payout to the nation's greedy stockholders will result in other nations imposing their way of life on us once they control all the products we "need." The time to say "no more" to the few rich oil families in this country is long overdue. The Bushes and the Cheneys and whomever else should no longer be permitted to continue blocking the development and deployment of alternative fuel vehicles and alternative methods of generating electricity. We need to penalize the users of wasteful vehicles, including unnecessary, gargantuan motor homes that get 5 miles per gallon, and other gas wasters such as purposeless powerboats and pollution causing ATVs by imposing stiff luxury taxes on their users. This tax money should go into a fund to capitalize the construction of wind powered generators and solar arrays. There's a lot more that can be done but I'll let someone else chip in with his or her ideas. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Thursday, September 07, 2006
MORE NASA WASTE Here we go again, another shuttle on the launch pad, another delay, and another, and another, and another. It's bad enough that the damn thing cots a fortune to fly, but it also costs a fortune for it not to fly. When is this useless bullshit going to stop? Never, I guess, as long as NASA has people convinced that there is a reason why the American public should want this outmoded and totally irresponsible space program. I'm sick of this monumental waste of taxpayer money, and so should everyone else, except for the few fat cat corporations who are bilking the public out of billions. Vote against any politician who supports this wasteful thing in a country where there’s never any money for health care and many other far more necessary causes. Here's another story about this continuing NASA nonsense. Check out my new blog "Playtime Las Vegas". Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito |