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Thursday, March 09, 2006
CATHOLIC CARDINAL PROMOTES LAWLESSNESS Cardinal Mahoney, of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, has instructed his priests to ignore the law, and assist illegal aliens in their attempts to stay in the USA. He is on record as being in opposition to any laws controlling immigration, or designed to prevent illegal immigration, and actively advocates helping illegals stay in the country. I know my blog is categorized as Liberal, and despite my leanings in that direction, this does not assume that I, or any Liberal-minded individual, agree with lawbreaking. As expected, the Cardinal, and his supporters, tag people such as me, as anti-immigration. That's bullshit, and he knows it. People like me are opposed to illegal immigration, as should any decent individual. Our country was founded by immigrants and has a long, uninterrupted history of welcoming foreigners who want to settle here legally. So this isn't about immigration, or aiding the disadvantaged, as the Cardinal purports. There is a hidden agenda at work here. Bear in mind that the illegal immigrants the Cardinal is concerned with are Mexicans, and Mexicans are Catholics. He isn't doing this out of the goodness of his heart; he's doing this to gain points with God, in his mind. This comes loosely under the Church's order to its members to, "propagate the faith." That's why the Church opposes birth control; it wants its members to have large families, so they can assure heavy donations, ad infinitum. How else are these guys going to get money, so they can live the life of Riley, without actually performing meaningful work? Since priests are not allowed to procreate they depend on others to do it for them, and in the Cardinal's case, he's basically importing future donors. Do you think this guy would help a bunch of Baptists, or a load of Lutherans, or a pile of Presbyterians, or a horde of Hungarian Jews, or a mob of Mormons, to immigrate illegally? Yeah right. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, as long as the Vatican dabbles in American politics, and that's what this amounts to, it should forfeit its tax-exempt status. Here's a link to an excellent article detailing the situation . Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito |