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Friday, January 13, 2006
VATICAN WANTS TO REWRITE IT'S OWN HISTORY The Vatican never fails to give me something to either laugh at or get angry about. This item falls into the former category. Since the Catholic Church seems to have weeded out most of their child molesters, their legions of lawyers, now that they have plenty of criminal defense experience under their belts, have turned to a new challenge. After more than 2000 years of scorn, the Catholic Church has decided that Judas of Iscariot, the Apostle who dimed Jesus, wasn't such a bad guy. The latest thinking is that Judas wasn't "deliberately evil," but was just "fulfilling his part in God's plan," and should be forgiven, etc, blah, blah, blah. Am I wrong when I say that based on this reasoning it doesn't matter what one does since it is all part of "God's plan?" Catholic doctrine teaches that humans possess "free will," and if that's the case, and it is one of their few teachings that makes any sense, then Judas freely decided to flip on Jesus, since the Church also holds that we are not "predestined," to any particular act or fate. Read all about this latest Vatican spin doctoring in "Jewish Scene" Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito Tuesday, January 03, 2006
BUSH FLIPS OFF COUNTRY AGAIN ![]() It's a national disgrace that the Federal Government pisses away billions on the ridiculous NASA space programs that reap no benefits for the average citizen, and make corporate CEOs stupendously rich. But now, as a further insult to the taxpayer, President Bush is throwing some space program business to Russia. Once again, in the name of world peace, we have paid the equivalent of a ransom in order to get Russia to discontinue aiding Iran's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons technology. Russia has agreed to discontinue its support of Iranian nuclear weapons development in order to allow the USA to purchase space equipment and services from them. Is this the ultimate case of outsourcing or what? All this comes about because NASA wishes to continue visiting the nearly defunct International Space Station and apparently needs to have the Russians act as a taxi service. Our Space Shuttles apparently are a little less reliable than Yugos. So Russia does what it should have done without prodding by the USA, and thereby opens the way for NASA to pay then off by paying for rides to the space station for our astronauts. Meanwhile, Russia continues to advance their own military objectives, including new ICBMs for nuclear warhead delivery, and we, indirectly, are footing the bill. Read about it here. Visit "The Independent Writer" and have a good laugh on Jim Ippolito |